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Silicone Sealants and Glue

We offer a range of silicones, glue and solvent cement all designed for use with our other products.

Prices shown include VAT.


WHITE Silicone 310ml tube

WHITE Silicone 310ml tube£7.81

CLEAR Silicone 310ml tube

CLEAR Silicone 310ml tube£7.81

BLACK Silicone 310ml tube

BLACK Silicone 310ml tube£7.81

BROWN Silicone 310ml tube

BROWN Silicone 310ml tube£7.81

TOFFEE Silicone 310ml tube

TOFFEE Silicone 310ml tube£7.81

FloPlast 125ml Solvent Weld Cement

FloPlast 125ml Solvent Weld Cement£10.70

For use with all Solvent Weld plumbing systems