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21.5mm FloPlast Overflow Waste Pipe System

21.5mm FloPlast overflow waste pipe system is available in black and white. This is a solvent weld system and has a comprehensive range of overflow pipe fittings to suit most installations.

Prices shown include VAT

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe - 3Mtr

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe - 3Mtr£4.57


PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe - 3Mtr

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe - 3Mtr£4.57

PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe 90° Bend

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe 90° Bend£1.47


PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe 90 Bend

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe 90° Bend

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe 90° Bend£1.47

PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe 90 Bend

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe 135° Bend

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe 135° Bend£1.47

PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe 135 Bend

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe 135° Bend

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe 135° Bend£1.47

PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe 135 Bend

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe Tee Junction

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe Tee Junction£1.47

PVCu SOlvent Weld Overflow Pipe Junction

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe Tee Junction

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe Tee Junction£1.47

PVCu SOlvent Weld Overflow Pipe Junction

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe Straight Coupling

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe Straight Coupling£1.47


PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe Joint

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe Straight Coupling

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe Straight Coupling£1.47

PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe Joint

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe Clip

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe Clip£0.50

PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe Clip

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe Clip

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe Clip£0.50

PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe Clip

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe Bent Tank Connector

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe Bent Tank Connector£1.73

PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe Bent Tank Joint

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe Bent Tank Connector

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe Bent Tank Connector£1.73

PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe Bent Tank Joint

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe Straight Tank Connector

21.5mm FloPlast Black Overflow Pipe Straight Tank Connector£1.73

PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe Straight Tank Joint

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe Straight Tank Connector

21.5mm FloPlast White Overflow Pipe Straight Tank Connector£1.73

PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow Pipe Straight Tank Joint

21.5mm FloPlast Overflow Waste Reducer to 32mm

21.5mm FloPlast Overflow Waste Reducer to 32mm£1.96


PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow 32mm Reducer

21.5mm FloPlast Overflow Waste Reducer to 40mm

21.5mm FloPlast Overflow Waste Reducer to 40mm£1.96

PVCu Solvent Weld Overflow 40mm Reducer

FloPlast 125ml Solvent Weld Cement

FloPlast 125ml Solvent Weld Cement£10.70

For use with all Solvent Weld plumbing systems